Transcription / Self-hosted

Getting started

On first run you will be greeted by a configuration wizard. A screenshot is shown below:



Note that although there are options for choosing language, they are not functional as of now

Select the model sizes you would like to download. Please note that not all model sizes are supported yet. Currently medium is the largest model that Scriberr can run.
Then press configure.

This will compile whisper.cpp for your hardware and download the selected models to path. You will be automatically redirected to the app once this process finishes.



Even though the status will update to “Done” and the app loads, the models wouldn’t have finished downloading yet. This is because the whisper.cpp script spawns child processes which can’t be tracked from within the app.

Wait for a few minutes. One way to confirm that the downloads have finished is to check the /models folder of your container or the volume mount. The model sizes are available here for you to check that the models have downloaded completely.
Another option you have is to check the logs to monitor the progress of the downloads. The log will show in live the output of the console.


Navigate to the settings tab by clicking on the “gear” icon. You will be presented with a few options as shown below:

settings ui

Setting Description
OpenAI model The ChatGPT model to use for summarization of transcripts
Whisper model The whisper model to use for transcription
# Threads Number of threads assigned per transcription job
# Cpus Number of CPU cores assigned per transcription job
Auto-Diarization When enabled, all uploaded files will automatically be diarized for speaker identification

When setting number of threads and cpu cores please make sure to verify that they are within your systems capacity. The rule of thumb is # threads x # cpus x CONCURRENCY <= # Max Threads, where # Max Threads = # cores x # threads/core of your system.

Important considerations on hardware

Whisper.cpp is highly efficient and while you should in general be able to transcribe on CPU devices (particularly the smaller models very easily), it is still slow. However, increasing the total # threads per transcription job helps significantly speedup inference. The higher this number the faster your transcription.
Diarization further slows things down. If you plan to use diarization I highly recommend using an NVIDIA or Intel GPU to speed up computation.

If you have a multi-core machine with many cores >=3>= 3 to spare, you can easily run this on CPU. On my Mac M3 with 3 cores and 2 threads per job, I could translate a Linux Tech Tip youtube video of about 40mins in a few minutes with diarization enabled.

When configuring the setup, pay attention to CONCURRENCY value you set during deployment. If for instance you set # Threads to 22 and # Cpus to 33 and CONCURRENCY to to 44, then potentially you could end up in a scenario where the app tries to spawn 2424 threads ! If your system doesn’t have resources, then the app will crash.


To transcribe navigate to the upload Tab shown below:


Either drag and drop audio files into the marked area or click anywhere inside it to open the file selection menu. Note that only audio files can be selected. Once the files are uploaded successfully, transcribing starts automatically.

You will be able to see the status of transcription as soon as upload is completed. If everything is working correctly, you will see something like this


Rename, Delete and Edit

A recent update enabled support for basic CRUD operations on transcripts and summary templates.


To delete a recording or transcript, right-click on their corresponding entry from the left menubar and click delete.



To rename a recording or transcript, open it first and then double-click on the title of the record or transcript to switch to edit mode. After you are done editing, hit Shift + Enter to save or simply hit Escape to exit edit mode without saving.


Updating Summary template

To edit a summary teplate, click on the pencil icon right next to the template to enter edit mode. Hit the floppy icon to save and exit or the other one to cancel without saving changes.


Speaker Diarization

Speaker diarization needs to be explicitly enabled by toggling Auto-diarization in the Settings tab.


Note that CPU diarization can be slow depending on the # cores and # threads you allocate per transcription job. A NVIDIA GPU is recommended for faster processing.

Diarization automatically identifiers and labels speakers of different sections of the audio. By default speaker labels are assigned numerically as SPEAKER__01, SPEAKER__02, etc.
You can rename it by clicking on the ID icon on the top right when a transcript is open as shown below.

speaker labels

Debugging when things go wrong

Your best source for information is to inspect the job queue. The job queue dashboard is exposed on port 9243. If you bind that to localhost you can navigate to http://localhost:9243/admin/queues to access the job queue BullMQ dashboard as shown below.

job queue
